2023 Corn Palace Festival

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Name: 2023 Corn Palace Festival
Date: August 25, 2023
Event Description:
The Corn Palace Festival is a celebration of the annual redecoration of the World’s Only Corn Palace. The festival carries on the traditions of bringing in the best names in entertainment to headline the event. Carnival rides, food and specialty vendors, along with the locals bringing in their best produce to be judged make this an event you will want to attend.
5th to 9th Ave
Main Street Mitchell
Date/Time Information:
August 25th, 2023
11 AM: Vendors Open
1-7 PM & 8-10 PM: VFW/Legion Bingo in the Armory 
4-11 PM: Goldstar Amusement Rides Open
5-8 PM: DBCreative Force Face Painting by the Corn Maize north of City Hall
5:30-7 PM: Karter Kenis and the Smoking Jacks-Free Music on the Scoreboard/Culver's Plaza Stage
10:15-11 PM: Karter Kenis and the Smoking Jacks-Free Music on the Scoreboard/Culver's Plaza Stage

Passports to Fun vouchers will be sold starting Monday, August 7th for $54.00 at the Corn Palace box office. These vouchers can then be redeemed for a bracelet  starting Wednesday, August 23rd, the week  of festival at the Goldstar Offices located in the City Hall parking lot. This passport gets you unlimited rides for $54! Starting Wednesday, August 23rd the price goes up to $60.00 - so get your vouchers early and save money.

Wristbands are $24 each day. Below are the wristband days and times:

  • Wednesday: 5 - 10 p.m, Passports start at 5 pm this day too.
  • Thursday: 5 - 10 pm, Passports start at 4 pm
  • Friday: 5 - 10 p.m. Passports start at 4 pm
  • Saturday: Noon - 5 p.m. 
  • Saturday: 5 - 10 p.m.
  • Sunday: Noon - 5 p.m.
Wristbands are available only at the ticket booths along the midway .
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Printed courtesy of www.mitchellsd.com/ – Contact the Mitchell Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
601 N Main Street, Mitchell, SD 57301 – (605) 996-5567 – info@mitchellchamber.com