• Chamber Golf Classic

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    Name: Chamber Golf Classic
    Date: June 16, 2023
    Time: 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM CDT
    Registration: Register Now
    Event Description:
    The Connect Mitchell Committee of the Mitchell Area Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce the 20th Annual Chamber Golf Classic "ACE IN THE HOLE"! This year's tournament will feature Vegas-themed activities out on the green including PUTTING CONTEST and POKER RUN (additional fees for add-ons to your registration). 

    Join us on June 16, 2023 at Wild Oak Golf Course for a fun afternoon of networking on the green with 2-person scramble golf! Registration starts at 11:00 a.m. with a 12:00 p.m. shotgun start.

    Registration Includes:
    - Team of 2
    - 18 holes with cart
    - 2 mulligans per player
    - Boxed lunches starting at 11 a.m.
    - Evening mixer with cash bar, appetizers, and awards & prizes

    Early bird registration (by June 2): $110 per team of 2
    After June 2: $120 per team of 2
    *Add $20 to registration for entire team to participate in putting contest
    *Add $20 to registration for entire team to participate in poker run

    Register online or call the Mitchell Chamber of Commerce at 605-996-5567!

    Guidelines for Putting Contest: Standalone putting contest on the green. Each player abandons their traditional golf clubs and opts for one of our alternative "clubs". The first golfer to sink their ball wins!

    Guidelines for Poker Run: Best 5-card draw! Each team will draw a playing card at the designated holes. The object is to have the best poker hand at the end of the run. 1st card and scorecard will be handed out at registration. 

    If you are interested in a sponsorship for the tournament, contact Alex at alex@mitchellsd.com or call 605-996-5567. Check out our Sponsorship Levels!
    Wild Oak Golf Course
    2500 E 1st Ave
    Mitchell, SD 57301
    Date/Time Information:
    Friday, June 16, 2023
    11:00 a.m. Registration & Lunch
    12:00 p.m. Shotgun Start
    5:00-7:00 p.m. Mix & Mingle
    Contact Information:
    Chamber Program Coordinator
    Early bird registration (by June 2): $110 
    After June 2: $120 
    *Putting Contest: $20 per team
    *Poker Run: $20 per team
    Set a Reminder:
    Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.
  • Partnership between the City of Mitchell, Mitchell Chamber of Commerce & Convention Visitors Bureau, Mitchell Area Development Corporation, and Mitchell Main Street & Beyond