Sleep in Heavenly Peace Bunks Across America Bed Build

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Name: Sleep in Heavenly Peace Bunks Across America Bed Build
Date: September 14, 2024
Time: 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM CDT
Event Description:
Let's give every child in the #mitchellsd area a good night's rest! The Mitchell Sleep in Heavenly Peace chapter provides FREE beds for children in the Mitchell area who otherwise would sleep on the floor. Join community members in cutting, sanding, drilling and staining wood that will be used to build beds and bunk beds so that No Kid Sleeps on the Floor in OUR town! (No experience necessary -- we will train you, and there's work for people of all skillsets and abilities!) Join us at the Muth Electric building at 730 N. Kimball to build beds and spread the love. Register now at #SHPbeds #EveryKidDeservesABed
730 N. Kimball St. Mitchell, SD 57301
Date/Time Information:
Sat., Sept. 14, 9am-12:30pm
Contact Information:
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Printed courtesy of – Contact the Mitchell Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
601 N Main Street, Mitchell, SD 57301 – (605) 996-5567 –